Getting your kids in the kitchen is a great way to spend time with your kids. Cooking together can be a delicious learning experience for children - throughout the process, kids can learn about nutrition, develop math and reading skills as they measure and read directions and explore new foods. Research also found that fixing their own food helps children develop self-esteem and foster a greater sense of intimacy between them and their parents. The more you encourage your kids to participate in the pleasures of cooking healthy and delicious food, the more they’ll understand and love what they eat. In other words, kids and cooking go hand-in-hand - it’s like an edible craft project!

But kitchens are dangerous places, particularly for a child who can’t see over the bench tops - adults supervision is mandatory. Consider implementing easy-to-understand rules and set out clear guidelines for your child to work with. These simple basic guidelines are designed to help you make cooking safe and fun, and to entice your children into trying something new.

Children under the age of ten generally don't yet have the fine motor skills to safely use a sharp knife. If your child is under five, keep him away from knife duty completely, but if your child is older and is keen to try using a knife, offer him a plastic knife or butter knife.

Hot Water 
Children are not allowed to deal with hot or boiling water under any circumstance. Carrying a pot of hot water to the sink can be a perilous business - so don’t let them do it at all.

Stove and Oven
When in use, stoves and ovens are obvious hazards in the kitchen, but these two appliances can stay hot to the touch for some time even after you’ve switched them off. Always keep your kids away from the stove and oven - hot or cold, to minimize the risk of burning themselves.

Electrical Appliances 
Children must be closely watched at all time when using electrical appliances. They can too easily be tempted to put their fingers into fast moving beaters or blades.

Kitchen Utensils
Demonstrate the proper use of utensils. Remember that seemingly innocent utensils like plastic knives can become dangerous weapons in the hands of children, so always supervise closely and offer help when it’s necessary to insure safety.

Food Tasting
Don’t sample uncooked food made with raw eggs (eg. cookie dough). Raw eggs are primary souce of salmonella,a dangerous type of food poisoning.

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