Just hearing the word “migraine” will make anyone cringe, what more to endure one debilitating pain. When it attacks, it is almost impossible to function. So how exactly do you kill a bad migraine? There are plenty of relatively simple remedies that easily can be done at home or at work, well basically wherever you are there’s always a way to cure it.

When you’re at work or at home and a bad migraine starts to kick in, rest assured that there are tried-and-tested remedies that work. If possible, take a 20 minute power nap and make sure to keep the room dark because light may aggravate migraine to kick in harder. Skipping meals can also trigger an attack, so if you’re in the habit of skipping breakfast, munch on healthy snacks throughout the day. Or better yet, don’t skip any of of meal. Avoid snacking on chocolates as it is known to be one of the common triggers.

If none of the above helps, lie down and put an ice pack over your head with your eyes closed. Another remedy is to soak one or both your hands in ice water and make them into fits for as long as you can tolerate the cold. It has the same effect as putting a cold compress on your head. You can also try taking a cold shower. Soak yourself face down, calm your mind and relax your body.

Some people who suffer from migraines can clearly identify triggers or factors that cause the headaches, but many cannot. Two of the most common triggers include not getting enough sleep and heat. Studies have shown that caffeine is a paradox of headaches so that’s good news for coffee drinkers; if you’ve taken aspirin or ibuprofen the moment migraine kicks in, wash it down with a cup of coffee.

Other remedies that may help are essential oils or teas, namely lavender and chamomile. Acupressure can also help to momentarily relieve pain; tap three times on your temple, your shoulder and then the inside of your wrist. Repeat.

If all else fail, see your doctor and he might precribe you a migraine medication or other forms of treatment.


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