If you have been doing the same routine or circuit training, try adding Farmer’s walk into your workout. You might have seen Farmer’s walk in Strongman competition where the competitor has to carry heavy object (usually Anvils) in each hands and walk a certain distance.

Farmer’s walk benefits

• Improve grip strength

• Improve core strength and stability (research referred it as ‘moving plank’)

• Improve general conditioning


• Grab a dumbbell in each hand while keeping back flat, hips low and chest up posture (deadlift position). Stand up and walk for a set of distance or time base. Example 30 meters walk or 30 seconds walk.

• Avoid exaggerated forward head and rounded shoulders when walking.

Sample Fat Loss Program for Beginners (Perform 3 Rounds)

Once you are comfortable with the program, increase your distance or duration. Always keep a good posture and be safe when executing this program.

Bodyweight Squats
12-15 reps
Farmer’s Walk
20 meters
Push ups
12-15 reps
Farmer’s Walk
20 meters
30 seconds

Photo by Tallia22 

Q: How important are warm ups and cool down?
I’m too tired to cool down after my cardio workout. – Ralph
A: Both warm up and cool down are necessary because it could reduce injuries especially for physically active individual. You only need to spend 5 to 10 minutes to stretch after your cardio even you are tired. The reason you need to warm up before workout is to increase your body temperature and blood flowing to the working muscle. Warm up can include dynamic stretching (moving the body through a functional range of motion) eg. Leg swing, foam rolling and static stretching (holding position for 10-15 seconds) eg. Hip flexor stretch. After your workout, perform cool down for 5 to 10 minutes of stretching to bring your body to its normal state.


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